Pin My Location: An Airbnb Type of Experience, Only Better and Homier

mwalker224 • Nov 10, 2019


No matter what the reason for your travels may be – whether it be for business, school, experience, or leisure – you’ll always need to find somewhere to call “home” for the duration of your stay. Especially since this will be the place where you keep your belongings and relax after a long day of work or fun, you’ll want to be sure that your place of stay is relaxing and personalized to your needs.


The accommodations industry has been one of the most rapidly growing of them all in the past decade. Only about a decade ago, hotels and motels were virtually the only options available for travelers across the world. If you were traveling and needed a place to rest your head for a night or two, you would simply look up nearby hotels (or motels) and book the best or cheapest option available.


Hotels, of course, offer great amenities such as room service, free breakfast, and many of the toiletries you’d need, but the experience is not personalized. Rather, you stay in a room that’s basic in design, and every room is the exact same.


Then, only a few years ago, the sharing economy gained wind its sails and grew wildly popular. Of all the sharing economy’s companies (think: Uber and WeWork), Airbnb is easily one of the largest. Airbnb is a home-sharing platform that allows homeowners to rent out a room in their home or the entire home to travelers.


The huge difference between a hotel and an Airbnb rental is that Airbnb spaces are usually much more accommodating and personalized for guests, making them comfortable and more enjoyable. However, this comes at the expense of the service offerings that a hotel has to offer, such as management of each room and other amenities for guests that are all included in the price. On top of this, some Airbnb guests may feel like they’re invading someone else’s home.


Pin My Location: A Hybrid Accommodation Experience


If you love the ease and service offered by hotels but prefer the personalized and homey appeal of Airbnbs or apartments, “apart-hotels” are the answer to your request, and Pin My Location is the mastermind behind the service.


Pin My Location is an ahead-of-the-curve, woman-owned business that is responsible for developing this new invention. Also referred to as apartment hotels, the Pin My Location service provides managed apartment rentals for business and leisure travelers alike. The new service combines what people love about current accommodations – the comfort and convenience of an Airbnb or apartment and the service offerings that come with a hotel – into an impressive and well-rounded short-term rental experience.


Further providing value, Pin My Location offers guests more amenities compared to standard hotel offerings while also being less expensive. Also, the new service provides an advantage over opting for an apartment in that guests are not required to sign a 12-month lease.


What’s more, Pin My Location spaces feel much more like home compared to the feeling of invading someone else’s home that Airbnb presents. Pin My Location spaces are fully furnished and customized to the guest’s needs, so it doesn’t feel like a rental. Airbnb also doesn’t offer management for rental properties, whereas Pin My Location does.


Whether you’re a traveler looking for weekend stay accommodations or a homeowner looking to rent out your home, Pin My Location is the perfect mix of everything the current market has to offer.



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